Hot reload go application using PolyWatch
This is a development environment including an api service written in go which is run from source code
and will get recompiled whenever any *.go
file under api directory get changed.
After go v1.20 there were some issues with source code mounting and ability to run go module maintenance commands & compile while using basic docker volume: fatal: ‘origin’ does not appear to be a git repository. One solution was to mount using lebokus/bindfs docker volume plugin. To install it:
docker plugin install lebokus/bindfs
When using lebokus/bindfs docker volume plugin to mount source codes in docker container we’ll have isolated files ownership:
- inside the api docker container all mounted files belong to root user
- outside the docker container (host) files belong to you And be aware that bindfs cannot sense fsnotify. So we have to use polling method to watch for file changes
To bring up the environment:
docker-compose up
Visit api server on your browser:
- Local URL http://api.hotreload.plw if you’re using autodns
- Find IP Address by running
docker container inspect --format='' hotreload-api-1
Then change source code of api server & check docker logs and refresh the page to notice that the service has been recompiled (pid differs in response), and it includes the recent changes in source code.